Wednesday, November 24, 2010

.::Fun Facts about Thanksgiving::.

Okay okay…I said I wouldn’t tell you fun facts about Thanksgiving but I came across these today and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to share them with you! 

     Americans feast on 535 million pounds of turkey on Thanksgiving. That’s insane to me. 

    According the U.S. Department of Agriculture, more than 45 million turkeys are cooked and eaten in the United States at Thanksgiving. That number represents one sixth of all the turkeys sold in the U.S. each year. Who knew there were even that many turkeys in the world?! Where are all those turkeys when Tyler wants to hunt them at the ranch??

    Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey to be our national bird. You know they were all in a room voting on what the national bird would be and Benjamin Franklin laughed and hit the guy next to him and whispered, “Watch this….”

    Domesticated turkeys cannot fly, however wild turkeys can fly up to 55 miles per hour over short distances. GO turkey GO!

    Only male (tom) turkeys gobble. Females make a clicking noise. The famous gobble is actually a seasonal mating call. Men should learn from Turkeys. If you gobble at a woman…I bet you 100 bucks you will get her attention. Try it.  

    The heaviest turkey ever raised weighed in at 86 pounds – about the size of a German Shepherd! …..Good grief. What was that Turkey eating…McDonalds?

    A turkey under 16 weeks of age is called a fryer. A five to seven month old turkey is called a roaster. Baha…

    The Turkey Trot, a ballroom dance in the 1900s, was named for the short, jerky steps of the turkey. It became popular mainly because it was denounced by the Vatican as "suggestive." I wonder what the Vatican would have thought about the “Dougie”?

    Turkeys are known to spend the night in trees. OBU freshman and turkeys have a lot in common.  

    Turkeys can drown if they look up when it's raining. “Hey look guys it’s raining!” “AW CRAP TOM NOOOO!”

    A turkey's field of vision is 270 degrees--one of the main reasons they're able to elude some hunters. Sneaky devils.

    There was no milk, cheese, bread, butter or pumpkin pie at the original Thanksgiving Day feast. Whelp I would have left that meal starving.

    Contrary to popular belief, the Pilgrims did not have big buckles on their clothing, shoes, or hats. WHAT?! Next they are going to tell me that Indians really didn’t know how to braid there hair..

    President Abraham Lincoln established the original date for our National Thanksgiving Day celebration in 1863. Thank you Ab. Because of you…I have two days off of work this week.

    The average person consumes 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving Day. This is the exact reason why I wear sweatpants on Thanksgiving every year. I’m not ashamed. 

Hope those made you smile. Have a Happy Thanksgiving everybody!! Enjoy your 4,500 calories! :) 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Gobble Gobble.

Well, Turkey Day is around the corner which means as I type you are mentally coming up with a game plan deciding how you are going to consume more calories then one human normally does in a week- all the while not gaining one single pound. Trust me when I say....Its impossible. So do yourself a favor and wear your "fat" jeans while stuffing your face along with large comfy sweatshirt. You will save yourself a lot of stress if you do. :)

I know the most cliche thing to do around this holiday is to list out the things in life that you are most thankful for but did you really think I was going to blog about the different ways to cook a Turkey..or fun facts about the pilgrims and Indians?? I don't even really LIKE turkey all that much nor know much about the pilgrims and Indians. So I write about what I know....and i know what im thankful for in life.

Okay onto my list! (that is in no particular order...My thoughts are random-therefore so is this list)

I am thankful for.....

- Makeup.....every girl is I assume. 
- The Circle L place on Earth.
- My bed....I tell it that I love it every night...Just ask Megan. 
- My job. Not many people get to say they do what they love to do.
- My brother Brandon. He keeps me sane and is the best advice giver ever. 
- My weenie dog- Chloe. She may bark like a bird and have breath that smells like fish but she's my pup.
- My Grandaddy and the angels that were around him that day. :)
- My mom and dad. They have done more for me then any two humans should. 
- My accomplishments in life. 
- Moments I have failed in life. 
- Good/ bad decisions ive made.
- My church.. 
- My other half in life and somebody who has stuck by my side for almost 15 years...Carly.
- The one person who could live with me for 4 years and still wanna hang out with me.....Megan.
- The one friend that I could talk to all day long and not get tired of...Amy.
- The only person who could do the worm in her wedding dress and tell me that my short hair cut was "uneven" on the E Spring Outing and get away with it..Brooke.
- The only friend who makes me laugh till I cry....Kate.
- The only friend who is more competitive and "say it how it is" then me...Sam.
- My pageant days. 
- My high school days.
- Situations in life that turned out differently then expected.
- My brown leather Bible. 
- My 9th grade table group girls.
- My EEE Days and Pledge Class...those girls will always have a special place in my heart!
- Forgiveness
- My MeeMaw and Pa Paw and all the nights over at their house.
- My knight in shining armor...Tyler Nathan Toney.
- Jeff, Pam and Paige Toney and all the love they show me. 
- Bob Bob and Nean 
- My aunt and cousins, Haylee and Houston. 
- Prayer
- Jeans that fit just right.
- My red poka dot robe
- Alyse Eady.....My Miss America. :) 
- My big brother...Ryan. 
- Air conditioning.
- My bath tub.
- My car- Holly Honda. 
- My Salvation.
- My cell phone. PTL for Iphone.
- My laptop.
- Things that sparkle.... like crowns...and other things....
- Ice Cream and chocolate
- My love for singing.
- Good music.
- My home.
- Times I laughed till I cried
- Times I cried till I laughed.
- Friendship.
- Starbucks coffee...mmm Pumpkin Spice Latte....
- Encouragement when least expected.

And the list could go on and on.....

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?? Take time this holiday to write some of those things down because we ALL have things to be thankful for! 

Keep it Classy Turkey Lovers... 

Monday, November 15, 2010

:::everybody has a happy place:::

Everybody has that one place in their life that they love retreating to. It’s the one place where they can forget the weeks worries and drama and just sit and enjoy the stillness. For some people this is a special lazy boy chair, or a swing out in their backyard. I don’t care who you are or where you live- You have a happy place.

I always enjoy going to Circle L Ranch on the weekends because for a brief two days, you forget that there is a crazy world out there. You forget that Mondays exist. You forget that your room needs some major TLC. You forget about the million little projects you need to get done but have no time for.

I’m always reminded of God’s beauty every time I make a trip up there. Sometimes it takes God bringing you to a quiet place for you to actually HEAR Him. We live in such a busy and loud world; it’s sometimes hard to hear the whispers of God.  

This weekend, I went up to the ranch with Tyler’s family, my brother Brandon and our friend Karis. The only thing better then experiencing the ranch for a weekend is having people with you who are experiencing it for the first time.

Circle L Ranch is my happy place….What’s yours??? 

Friday, November 5, 2010

From Crowns to Deer.

Well I warned y’all from the beginning….Blogging is going to be a hit or miss thing with me. So here is an overview of what I’ve been doing while not blogging. As of a couple of weeks ago, I moved from Account Manager of Group Sales over to the Marketing Department at Homeland HealthCare. So you are looking at the new Marketing Assistant/Graphic Designer! Hoo-ray!  God truly takes care of my every need in life…I just need to get better at being patient and trust in His timing with things- not my own! Easier said then done right? :)

So on that note- I love my job. I get to go to work….sit in front of a huge Mac computer…pop in my headphones and let the creative juices flow till 5. I feel very lucky to be the place I am right now.

Two weekends ago, Tyler and I made the trip up to Arkadelphia for my first Alumni OBU Homecoming weekend! It was such a surreal feeling coming back to the place that I called home for four years. The experience I had at Ouachita could be an entire blog posts on its own so I won’t go into that JUST yet. But being back “at home” was just what I needed that weekend.  It was so good spending time and laughing with some of my best friends who I hadn’t seen in a long time. Isn’t it funny how you can go months or even years without seeing people and then the moment you find yourself with them- its like no time had ever passed in the first place? We all have gone through so many changes within a short amount of time but the moment we all walked onto that campus-it was like we had never graduated.

With homecoming weekend comes homecoming traditions and this includes one of my obsessions: TIGER TUNES. Much like Baylor Sing or Song Fest at A&M, Tiger Tunes is put on by the social clubs and about 6-8 Host and Hostesses. This year I had two of my friends performing as Host and Hostesses, Cortnie “Diva” DeVore and Ben “Stud Muffin” Reeves. My brother performed in the Beta show as a Hillbilly and my EEE girls performed with the theme “Ring by Spring”! They all did an amazing job and I was so impressed with everybody’s performance! During the entire show I was mentally living in the past and pondering on the days of being a Hostess and getting way to stressed out about the E shows….I have no shame admitting that. :) 


This past weekend, I went to the ranch with Tyler’s family for the big Deer Darting Weekend! This is the weekend where Tyler tags all the fawns and places them in different pins for breeding purposes. But don’t be fooled by the simplicity of that statement because darting deer is probably one of the most tedious things I’ve ever done. Try making a herd of deer stand still and get exactly where you want them for more then 15 seconds….Its nearly impossible. The first couple hours Friday night were a little stressful. First, Tyler shot 2 different deer and after about 10 minutes both deer weren’t showing any signs that the tranquillizer was working. Not only were we having darting problems but also the mule we were driving in decided to have a dead battery in the middle of the deer pin…in the pitch dark…with no flashlights. Needless to say, everybody was a little frustrated at this point.  But thankfully we got everything worked out and by 4:30 that morning we had darted about half of the fawns.

Now a lot more goes into this darting process then just simply darting. Once you hit the deer with the day, you have to be patient and wait for the deer to actually pass out. Watching deer stumble around is probably one of the funnier things I’ve seen in a long time. Once the deer are down, you have to tie their legs up and put a blindfold over there eyes. We would then take them to barn where they would get a tag in one ear, tattoo into the other, weigh them and give them 3 different kind of shots. Tyler would then yank out a chuck of hair for DNA purposes. All I say can is.. I am glad I am not a deer. Their ears had to be sore the next day! After all that is done, you load them back up in the mule and take them to different pins depending on there gender. Now- you cant just dump these sweet things anywhere. Apparently- you have to place them by the fence line so they don’t wake up freaking out not knowing where they are… Who knew deer were so smart?? Tyler was making fun of me because while they were laying the deer down…I was following behind him moving the rocks out of the way. I mean would you want to sleep on rocks for a night?! Mr. Toney would then give them 3 different shots that were the “reversals” and within minutes they would wake up and run off.


The 2nd night of deer darting I peaced out around midnight and thankfully so because the guys were up to 6 AM trying to dart the big bucks.

So there ya go. Now your all caught up on what I’ve been doing lately.  From Miss OBU crowns to darting deer….Life is good- I cant complain much. I am a lucky girl. 

Keep it Classy all you OBU kiddos and Deer Lovers.